Your SmashUp From Stephen
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During my lifetime, I have found only three presidents for whom I felt compelled to campaign. Each of these leaders arrived on the scene when they were most needed. As a boy, I carried and posted signs for President John F. Kennedy.
Then came the great hope that our country could show that our promise was more than words. Once again, I was there, singing songs and carrying signs for President Barack Obama, proclaiming that we were a nation of the people.
Finally, during a time of great division, a leader arose who brought calm to the country and immediately began the work of healing the minds and bodies of the nation. This president worked diligently to heal the land itself. I consider myself fortunate to have witnessed these great leaders.
May God keep you seated at His right hand as you dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever.
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"Shout" Written by Ronald Isley, Rudolph Isley and O'Kelly Isley © 1959 Renewed 1987 EMI Longitude Music (BMI) All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Used by permission. Performed by William Shatner ℗ 2016 AGC, LLC